"Knowledge is the Elixir of Life" Emblem

Co-Educational Institution, Affiliated to SPU Mandi and HPU Shimla,
Accredited by NAAC, Ministry of HRD Govt. of India

Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav

English Department

The Department of English was established since the inception of the institution in 1994. The post-graduate classes in English Started In 2012 with thirty seats.The Department of English organises the seminar for the students in every academic session and the students learn to present their papers and resource persons are invited to acquaint the students with the latest trends in the field of literature. Birth anniversaries of famous writers are celebrated by the Department to equip the students with the vast contributions by them in the annals of literature. Paying tribute to the eminent writers like Kalidasa, William Shakespeare and RK Narayan on their birth anniversaries enhance their knowledge and interest in particular writer. Workshops and hands-on-practice sessions are also conducted from time-to-time to make the students proficient in the usage of language. The students qualify the entrance examinations of post-graduation conducted by Himachal Pradesh University and Central University of Himachal Pradesh, Dharamshala and some of the students have qualified SET and one of the students topped the HP University Merit-list in 2014.

Besides the above mentioned activities, the Department of English proposes to conduct Grammar Workshop, Production based on any one play prescribed in the syllabi. The Department of English also intends to start a ‘Lecture Series by PG Students Which will provide them a platform to enhance their knowledge and sharpen their skills. They will be encouraged to prepare their lectures on a particular topic and deliver the same in the undergraduate classes so that they are well-versed with the topic and gain confidence.

(UG and PG)
Course Name Course Code Course Outcome Common Teaching Methods
Type of Method Method
UG English-1 Core English (Compulsory) ENG CE 101 - To interpret texts different genres from close readings.
- To develop aesthetic taste for literature among the students.
- To enhance their speaking and writing skills.
- Chalk &Talk Method [Yes/No]
- ICT Tools [If Yes Give Name]
- E-Resources [If Yes Give Name]
- Mobile Apps [If Yes Give Name]
- College Library [Yes/No]
- Any Other Methods [If Yes Give Name]
PPT, e-Pathshala for PG students, sharing lectures on youtube, showing movies based on texts-plays and novels, Language Lab access to students to enhance their language skills, anda separate section of books related to English Literature and Language in the library
To build the vocabulary of students
UG DSC-1A English Literature-1 (Essays, Stories and Poems) ENG DSE 102 - To make them compose a coherent, unified and balanced paragraph in a better way
- To demonstrate their ability to recognize context clues and grasp the literature
UG DSC-1B English Literature-2 (Poems, Short-Stories Essays) >ENG DSC 103 - To make them understand the basic nuances of literature
- To appreciate the different genres of literature⸺ short stories, poetry and essays
- To develop the habit of reading among the students
UG Writing Skills ENGAECC104 - To equip the students with correct usage of English grammar in writing and speaking
- To inculcate the habit of diary writing
- To strengthen their ability to write essays, letters and summaries in a lucid way
UG English-2 Core English (Compulsory) ENG CE201 - To acquaint the students with literary texts and importance of knowledge
- To develop the critical thinking of the students
- To encourage the students for discussion and debate
UG DSC-1C British Literature (Play and Novel) ENG DSC202 - To acquaint students to the canon of British Literature
- To promote the understanding of the text in a subtle way
- To develop the habit to read original texts
UG DSC-1D Literary Cross Currents ENG DSC 203 - To make the students identify, explain and evaluate different types of critical texts
- To open the vistas of Indian writing in English to students
- To make them think critically and develop argumentative skills
UG Creative Writing, Book and Media Reviews ENG AEEC/SEC 204 - To familiarise the students with literary terms
- To train the students to the world of books/films and write their reviews critically
- To develop the creative urge of the students
UG Translation Studies and Principles of Translation ENG AEEC/SEC 205 - To make the students learn the basic principles of translation
- To widen the perspective of students by having access to literature in different languages
- To develop the skill of translation among the students

Technical Writing

ENG AEEC/SEC 301 - To make the students learn the technicalities of writing
- To enhance the basic knowledge of writing
- To make students learn the functional English
UG Business Communication ENG AEEC/SEC 302 - To enable the students to differentiate between different methods of communication
To accustom the students in knowing the importance of language incorporating world
To make the students use the body language effectively
UG DSE –1A Soft Skills ENG DSE 303 - To train the soft skills of students
- To facilitate effective communication skills of the students - To prepare the students to imbibe basic soft skills required to deal in day-to-day interaction
UG DSE-1B Academic Writing and Composition ENG DSE 304 - To instruct the students with basics of academic writing
- To make them adopt the formal language in their daily interaction
- To prepare the students for the practical aspect of grammar and its usage in formal language
GE-1 Literature from Himachal

ENG GE 305

- To acquaint the students with the folklore of Himachal Pradesh
- To arouse the interest of students in their indigenous culture and traditions
- To develop the inter-disciplinary approach to learning
UG GE-2 Contemporary India : Women and Empowerment ENG GE 306 - To educate the students about gender equity and equality
- To make the students have respect for gender and have a balanced personality
- To widen the horizon of their knowledge and the competence to have an unbiased and unprejudiced outlook
PG History of English Literature from Chaucer to 1800 DSC MENG 101 - MA English Programme proposes to offer an overview of disparate literatures that have been produced spatio-temporally in various languages and genres. The purpose is to facilitate a detailed study of the established classics and acknowledged masterpieces across the world, commencing from the fourteenth century, when English as a language was acknowledged and appreciated at par with Latin and French. The programme targets to develop an understanding of the theoretical and critical perspectives cover edunder different genres of literature so as to impart knowledge of the historical background of English literature with its continuing in fluence in the subsequent eras.The students are trained to develop analytical and critical propositions to strengthen there quisiteacuity in the field of research.
- The programme in tends to develop comprehensive in sights into the cultural nuances and experientiallivings of numerous societies across the globe. The programme comprises literature and a significant component of linguistics to groom and nurture the students into competent assets, employable in multiple avenues that aspecialization in English opens up inthe professional world.
- The course attempts to inculcate the principles of “gender sensitivity,” “social responsibility,” “community service” and “national pride,” which are the under lining tenets of this programme.
Programme Specific Outcomes :
MA English Programme specifically aspires to inculcate the following in the students :
- Acquaintance with the writers and the orists of different ages across the world along with their concerns, ideas and perspectives.
- Application of the knowledge of language and literature in different spheres of life.
- Acritical a cumen to analyse and evaluate the scholarly works of English literature.
- Interpersonal skills and ethical values for the holistic development of the students.
- Expertise in writing and oratory skills in a variety of formats, such as articles, essays, critical reviews of literary texts, debates, declamations, panel discussions and seminar presentations.
PG Poetry from Chaucer to Pope DSC MENG 102
PG Shakespeare and His Contemporaries DSC MENG 103
PG Nineteenth Century Fiction DSC MENG104
PG History of English Literature : Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries DSC MENG 201
PG Romantic and Victorian Poetry DSC MENG 202
Modern Fiction DSC MENG 203
Growth and Structure of English Language DSC MENG 204
Advanced Academic Writing GE MENG 205
Literary Criticism DSC MENG 301
Modern British and American Poetry DSC MENG 302
Modern British Drama DSC MENG 303
World Fiction (304) African Literature (305)
Australian Literature (306)
iv. Canadian Literature (307)
IM ENG 304-307 [Any one from the given four Options]
Contemporary Literary Theory DSC MENG 401
Indian Writing in English DSC MENG 402
Drama :
Modern European Drama (403)
ii. American Drama (404)
DSE MENG 403-404 [Anyone from the given two Options]
i. Indian Writing in Translation (405)
ii. Literature and Gender (406) iii. Native Writing (407)
DSE III 405-407
[Any one from the given three Options]
Contemporary Short Fiction GE MENG408

Dr. Kulbhushan Sharma

(MA, M Phil, , Ph .D.)
Department of English

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Ms. Anupama Sharma

(M.A., M.Phil.)
Department of English

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Ms. Sunita Kumari

(B. Ed, M.A. (English), M.A. (History), TET & SLET-HPPSC.)
Department of English

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Sr. No. File Title Download Link
1 Department of English   Download
Sr. No. File Title Download Link
1 3rd Year English Compulsory, DSC, SEC Question Bank   Download
2 2nd Year English Compulsory, DSC, SEC Question Bank   Download
3 1st Year English Compulsory, DSC, SEC Question Bank   Download
Sr. No. File Title Download Link
1 Report on Seminar on Literary Criticism and Fiction conducted for PG-Students   Download
2 Seminar on Fiction MA-English   Download