"Knowledge is the Elixir of Life" Emblem

Co-Educational Institution, Affiliated to SPU Mandi and HPU Shimla,
Accredited by NAAC, Ministry of HRD Govt. of India

Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav

Mathematics Department

Year of Establishment : 1996

Mathematics graduates have many options for careers including teaching as well as working in multiple disciplines. Combining mathematics with other specialized subjects such as economics, statistics, computer science, applied mathematics, engineering, and mathematics sciences can greatly improve job prospects.

Course (UG and PG) (DSC/DSE/AECC/GE/SEC) Course Name Course Code Course Outcome Common Teaching Methods
Type of Method Response
DSC Differential Calculus MATH 101TH Student will be able to solve tangent and area problems using concepts of limits, derivatives and also able to draw graphs of algebraic and transcendental functions considering limits, continuity and differentiability at a point. Chalk & Talk Method [Yes/No] Yes
DSC Differential Equation MATH102TH One will be able to solve differential equations using numerical, graphical and analytical methods also able to apply differential equations to significant applied or theoretical problems. ICT Tools [If Yes Give Name] PPT,Projector etc.
DSC Real Analysis MATH 201TH Student will be able to use definition of convergence as they apply to sequence, series and functions also able to produce proof of results that arise in the context of Real Analysis. E-Resources [If Yes Give Name] e-books
DSC Algebra MATH202TH One will be able to recognise the concept of span, linear independence, basis and dimension and apply these concepts to various vector spaces and subspaces. Mobile Apps [If Yes Give Name]
DSC Matrices MATH301TH Students will be able to find the solution of systems of simultaneous linear equations in matrix form and also able to determine whether or not a given matrix is invertible and if it is, find its inverse. College Library [Yes/No] Yes
DSC Numerical Analysis MATH304TH One will be able to implement a variety of numerical algorithms using appropriate Technology also can compare the viability of different approaches to the numerical solution of problems arising in roots of solution of non linear equations interpolation and approximations numerical differentiation and integration. Any Other Methods [If Yes Give Name] Assignments, class tests, group discussion, Quiz etc.
SEC Vector Calculus MATH309TH Student will be able to compute and analyse gradient vector fields and constructing potentials also able to solve integral curves of vector fields and solving differential equations to find such curves.    
SEC Integral Calculus MATH310TH One will be able to solve and evaluate integrals using substitution and the fundamental theorem of Calculus also able to calculate the areas of curved regions by using integration method.    
SEC Probability and Statistics MATH313TH Student will be able to use various methods to compute the probabilities of events events also able to analyse the and interpret statistical data using appropriate probability distribution as binomial poison and normal    
SEC Transportation and Game Theory MATH317TH Students that the ability to apply solution concepts of examples of games and to state and explain them precisely also able to understand transportation and assignment problems and able to apply this methods to find solution of a problem    

Ms. Ruchi Narang

(M.Sc, M.Phil)
Department of Mathematics

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Mr. Hitesh Sharma

(B.Sc (Hon.) Maths (Gold Medalist HPU), M.Sc. Maths (Gold Medalist HPU), S.E.T.)
Department of Mathematics

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1 Mathematics Department   Download
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1 Question Bank   Download
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1 Maths Workshop Report 02 - 07 Dec. 2024   Download